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Fundraising Works
"You can’t use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have"

- Maya Angelou

You talk we listen.......

Charities and organisations we talk to are frequently asking for more opportunities to learn and network with like minded people in fundraising.  We have created two great events for you.....

Fundraiser’s Hub

Our Fundraiser’s Hub sessions bring fundraisers together to exchange ideas, support each other and learn from great speakers. These morning sessions are a great way to start the day growing your network and getting re-energised about all things fundraising. We started the Hub in Kent but are expanding into other counties …so look out for a meeting near you.

Here's what people are saying about the Fundraiser's hub......

“If Only I'd Known That Earlier"

Our series of one day workshops “If  Only I'd Known That Earlier” are practical, fun and packed with great ideas. You’ll go back to your office fired up for success! 

These are focused workshops with limited numbers of attendees where we take a deep dive in to a specific subject area such as Fundraising events, Trust fundraising, Donor engagement, Major donor fundraising and Fundraising for small charities........

At the end of June, I started applying to Trusts for funding for a refurbishment project for our respite centre. I’m proud to say that I have been successful and won 6 out of 7 applications! We have around £17,000 so far! I did not know a thing about grant writing before I came on your course and I’m often referring to my notes and your slides for advice. So, I’d just like to thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and inspiring me to do the best for the charity."

Maria Austen

We are Beams

Well done! I went on your course in 2019 and just recently had my biggest success to date of a £100,000 grant!

Karen Jeal

Strode Park Foundation

Scott and Liz bring a wealth of knowledge to a very engaging and informative workshop. I left incredibly motivated and felt ready to take on my events with a new frame of mind.

Felicity James

St Michael's Hospice

Thank you for the information sent following yesterday’s workshop.  The day was really informative and one of the best workshops I have attended.

Sheila Tong

Beaver Community Trust

Amazing course with two trainers with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Fun, inspiring and passionate. Can’t wait to learn more from the masters in fundraising !!

Tracy Allen

FASD Awareness South East

You delivered a really great session ...., there were some very helpful reminders and new content that left me feeling informed and energised to try a couple of different things! It was a very no-nonsense session, with clear examples that have worked for other organisations and very practical advice on how you have achieved success

Carla Brown

Arthur Rank Hospice Charity

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We love to showcase brilliant events so keep checking to see what is coming-up near you.

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Company Registered in England Wales no 9385022

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